About us

The house “Aia le Monache”
is located in Veroli in Frosinone province, in the heart of Ciociaria and it’s easily reachable from Rome and Naples thanks to Sole motorway. The house is in a fine position thanks to which it’s possible to visit the natural beauties and the rural landscape of Ciociaria.

The house is 80 km from Rome and 110 km from Naples and 30 minutes by car from Tyrrheanian Sea (Terracina, Sperlonga, Anzio, Nettuno and Pontine Islands), it’s an excellent base for visiting Rome and Naples and exploring the Tyrrheanian coast of Latium and Abbruzzo easily reachable by train.

Towards the Tyrrheanian Sea, Ciociaria is surrounded by the low mountain chains of Lepini, Ausoni and Aurunci with important Karst phenomena which are a real “heaven” for people interested in speleology. The central part is constituted by the valley of river Sacco which rises near Paliano and then it flows into Liri river forming a big bed which, actually, constitutes the lake St. Giovanni Incarico.

Some of the most interesting ancient villages are located along this fertile valley:

•  Anagni – the city of Popes.
•  Veroli – with Holy Stairs in St. Salome’s Church, St. Andrew’s Cathedral, St. Eramo romanesque church.
•  Ferentino – with the Baths of Pompeius.
•  Paliano – a very interesting place for the WWF naturalistic oasis “La Selva”, ideal place for watching waterfowl.

In the north of Ciociaria it’s possible to visit many interesting places.

The river Aniene valley and Simbruini mountains where we find

•  The ski resort Campo Staffi
•  Arcinazzo plateaux
•  Scalambra mountain and the natural park “La Selva”. In this area Piglio Acuto and Paliano are an excellent naturalistic itinerary. On Scalambra mountain there is a platform for sailplaning.
•  Ernici mountains and the lake of Canterno which represent the largest massif of the province; at 1800m there is the ski resort “Campo Catino”; at 1200m we find the plateau of Prato di Campoli, a natural amphitheatre surrounded by a mountain chain 2000m tall.
•  The river Liri valley, the most important river in the province which in Liri Island originates spectacular waterfalls.
•  The naturalistic oasis of the lake of Posta Fibreno protected by WWF
•  Ausoni mountains and the caves of Pastena
•  The Latian versant of Abruzzo National Park

Furthermore, another interesting itinerary is the one leading to some abbeys which are easily reachable from “Casa Aia le Monache”:

•  Casamari, 2 km from “Casa Aia le Monache”
•  Trisulti, near Collepardo
•  Fossanova in Amaseno valley
•  Montecassino, 50 km from Frosinone
•  St. Sebastian in Alatri
•  St. Dominic in Sora